Using coupons is a smart way to stretch your budget. Compare your new grocery bills with people you can save. Coupons can make a big difference and the overall results. Keep reading to learn what you need to know about using coupons. Learn the policies of the stores you frequent. Shop at local stores that predominantly use coupons to help maximize your savings.If you can find a grocery store that accepts competitor's coupons and offers double coupon days, you have found your go to store! Search the web for coupons online before ordering online. Use a search engine to search for "coupon retailer name". Any special deals will be displayed in the form of coupon codes. Shop weekly to best utilize your coupons stretch further. Stores are constantly placing coupon booklets out each week that you should use to save money. Write out a grocery list before you hunt online for those particular items. If you can't find all the coupons you like, alter your shopping trip